Friday, December 30, 2005

busy bee

Now of course I'm not leaving for another month, but there are still so many preparations to be done. I just got a job working as a hostess at P.F. Chang's China Bistro. I'm just training this week, so no $$ yet, but supposedly I get paid in to check that one out still. I had several interviews for different places, but I needed the one that could offer me the most hours and the most money...considering I currently have none. Today was my second day and I still like it! This is a good sign. It's very very busy and I'm constantly moving which makes the time go by very quickly. Yesterday was my first day and I was very nervous, but amazingly Ali, who lived across the hall from me at Marist was training me (it truly is a small world after all). Anyway, I'm hoping to make an extra $1,000 for spending money in Spain so hopefully I won't be sitting around at all for the next month.
I also just got new luggage today, which I know no one really cares, but it's really pretty and supposedly it's the same bag Mrs. Fortunoff travelled Japan with. Also, it's another step closer to being ready to going.
I work again tomorrow morning, then I'm off to Connecticut to ring in the New Year, then back to work again on Sunday. Fortunately Monday my training period will be over and I can start getting a pay check.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I am going to Spain

I'm not ready to leave yet!

I'm moving all of my stuff out of 210C and it is sooo depressing. I seriously can't believe that I am not going to be living here Michelle has to deal with a crazy "iHeart Christ" girl... We just moved around all of the furniture and it looks so cute and I really want to stay.

Uh oh! Michelle got stuck under the bed!

Christina and Michelle are going to be the Best of Friends.

Just kidding.

Final product...doesn't it look soo cute?!

Please pardon our appearance while renovating...