We've been in Madrid for the last week and a half now-I think the most consecutive days that we have spent here thus far. We've done a lot of sight-seeing, partying and amazingly, school work!
Last week we had only three days of classes. We explored some local sights and went to the Templo de Debod which supposedly is the only Egyptian temple in Spain and was given by the Egyptians in thanks for Spain's archeological help. There was also a very pretty park surrounding it where we enjoyed lunch and did some homework.
Thursday night the Meggie Beths had a girls night and explored some new night life in Madrid.
And with very little sleep, the next morning headed up to El Escorial and Valle de los Caidos (Franco's tomb and basillica.) We did our sight-seeing in the pouring rain and headed back to Madrid.
matt and i enjoying the rain
gardens at el escorial
valle de los caidos
san mateo
the basillica at valle de los caidos

light fixtures--i just remember seeing pictures of these in gaugler's class

there are more profane ones that i won't include

the sun finally came out!
not for long though...
After our trip we went for kebaps from a new local and started the festivities for Laura's 21st. We botellóned and then bar hopped for a couple of hours.
The next afternoon we went to Reina Sofia and explored some modern arts exhibits and then to San Isidro, the major cathedral in Spain. We then met Jen and Sara and got some excellent Japanese food and then met up for more birthday festivities with Laura and her mom. We had cake and Tinto de Verano and then headed our to some clubs. There was a great deal of drama because we were traveling in a group of 16. We ended the night early and headed back home.

the birthday girl

the bar had cool art work:
las meninas


Sunday we slept late, studied a little bit for a test we had on Monday and went to another bullfight with Margaret. This one was a little more violent as it was another novice fight. Highlights: first fight, the matador messes up and the bull starts vomiting huge amounts of blood for about two minutes straight before they finally put it out of its misery (not typical AT ALL). The last fight, the bull was about to give up and was laying down and they were about to knock the bull over the head to kill it and the guy messed up. The bull didn't like this idea and got up and charged. No injuries, fortunately.
Yesterday our late class got cancelled so we had the afternoon off. We walked around the Royal Botanical Gardens and had lunch. After, we went home and relaxed a bit before we met Meghan and José for some drinks at the Hawaiian bar. Another fun night.
I got to sleep in a little bit today again. Came to school for my one class at 13.00, tutorial at 16.00 and now I'm waiting around until 20.00 for a lecture for my class that was cancelled this morning.
This weekend we have another holiday here in Spain and have off Friday, Monday and Tuesday. We plan to go to Gibraltar Thursday night, sight-see that day, head to Marbella Friday night, beach Saturday and Sunday and then Granada Monday morning. We return to Madrid late Tuesday night. We have class Wednesday, a test on Thursday and then we leave for París on Friday morning.