Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Second day of orientation...basically we're doing a crash course on the ins and outs of Spain. Today we had to describe to a partner how to get certain places via the metro. We're also working on analyzing pop music and what kind of people listen to it. Apparently Julian, one of the twins thinks he's a rastafarian. Anyway, after class today we wandered around campus for a little bit and then finally went back to Atocha. Matt and I were going to go to Reina Sophia, but it is closed on Tuesdays...kinda random, I thought museums closed Mondays. I was kinda bummed from the beginning of the day...I really can't explain that because I could barely go to sleep last night with the excitement of waking up to another day in Madrid. (I really don't know how I'm functioning...I have been going everyday non-stop from about 7Am until 12Am) But I have absolutely no problem with it because I don't want to miss a thing. So I was bummed we couldn't get into the museum and we walked out toward the street for a minute to decide what we were going to do. I guess we stood there a moment too long because I got bulls-eyed by a little birdie above. I think that's 7 years good luck... Never the less it surprisingly put me in a better mood...it was like the little birdie just wanted to say LIGHTEN UP! YOU'RE IN MADRID! BE HAPPY! So I did and Matt and I walked up toward the Prado (after I ran into the bathroom at McDonald's across the street - which might I add is the cleanest McDonald's bathroom I have EVER been in)
We walked around the Prado for a bit but decided not to go in because we can go for free on the weekends. We opted to go to El Parque Retiro which is absolutely beautiful. We found a wall that overlooked a really pretty garden and I pretended to take a siesta like all of the other Madrilenos in the area and tomar el sol. It was a PERFECT day...60 and not a cloud in the sky. It's been like that the entire week. I absolutely love it, however I think the Madrilenos are a little upset that they haven't had water in weeks. The only problem I have with no rain is that my entire pueblo is "en obra" and there is dust EVERYWHERE. The cars are all filthy, the plants, the streets...
Anyway, another wonderful day in Madrid. I don't want to be that person that you want to slap because they say "I'm just high on life" but I think I may have to be. I seriously couldn't fall asleep for a good hour last night because I was so excited about waking up this morning. I didn't feel quite the same at 7:15 this morning...probrably accountable for the bad mood. Tomorrow is the mercado en Goya. I am very excited...even though I have only spent 11 euro since I've been here...and 3 of that was a mistake of buying a cafe sin leche this morning. A coffee with milk is 1.15 euro, however it's 90% leche and for someone who likes black coffee, that won't do. Actually, I think they probrably gave me the same amount of coffee they would have with a cafe con leche because the cup was literally the size of a shot glass. I guess cafe is expensive....
Buenos Noches!


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